A self-drive holiday in the USA is a great way seeing more for less without having to worry about public transport. Or even better, a self-driving trip is an excellent way to enjoy more than one city in the USA on one trip. For 21 and over’s you’re going to want to have an alcohol beverage in the evening, it’s hard to resist in Las Vegas.
Of course, it’s extremely important to stay safe and abide by the laws of drinking in the USA so please remember to drink responsibly. What if you’re on a self-drive holiday? The last thing you want is to drive over the limit, whether you feel it or not the breathalyzer won’t listen to your excuses about how it was last night and you’ve slept.
Please find the limitations and laws of drink driving in the US here.
BACtrack have created a clever device which allows you to get estimation on your blood alcohol content in seconds. This handy breathalyzer will enable you to get an understanding of whether you’re slightly intoxicated and also check the BAC levels in comparison to the laws for driving.
All you have to do is connect the BACtrack Breathalyzer to your phone and breathe into the device; the results will then be sent your iOS or Android device. Not only will you receive an accurate reading of your BAC but you will also receive an estimated time of when this will be back to 0.00% which is perfect when you’re planning when to start driving again.
As well as receiving your results you can also personalise the experience by allowing you to track what you’ve eaten, drunk and who you are with to create a more personalised experience. However, you might not want to see the 12 tequilas you had last night after the nachos.

There is also Bluetooth facilities so you can even test other people and get the results directly to your mobile.
There are two versions of this fantastic device, one is a smaller version and requires AAA batteries whereas the other is a rechargeable battery and similar to what police use.
This device is an absolute must on your self-drive holiday to the USA to help keep you safe.